Ready! Aim! Fire!: How To Execute Successfully Every Time (Part 2)

6 Ways To Get The Most And Best From Your Board

Coupa Named to OnCloud Top 100 List for 2015

Ready! Aim! Fire!: How To Execute Successfully Every Time (Part 1)

How to Become a Great Leader

Monthly Archives: February 2015

Ready! Aim! Fire!: How To Execute Successfully Every Time (Part 2)

Written on February 23, 2015 at 7:57 pm, by

This is the 2nd installment about startup planning and execution based on the concept of “Ready, Aim, Fire” – a time-tested, tried-and-true adage that applies as much to the subject at hand as to shooting a gun or a bow and arrow or playing golf. In Part 1, the focus was on perhaps the most common failure  Continue Reading »

6 Ways To Get The Most And Best From Your Board

Written on February 18, 2015 at 8:56 pm, by

Thoughtfully selecting and effectively working with your investor board members and independent board members (who are not typically investors in the business but asked to join the board to add value in a particular area of expertise) are incredibly important skills for entrepreneurs that are rarely discussed and can have a major impact on your  Continue Reading »

Coupa Named to OnCloud Top 100 List for 2015

Written on February 12, 2015 at 7:06 pm, by

SAN MATEO, CALIF. — Coupa Software, the leader in cloud-based spend management, announced today that it has been chosen by AlwaysOn as a. OnCloud’s Top 100 companies are selected for their ability to rise to the challenge of bringing the world’s businesses and enterprises into the cloud. Ich besitze im rahmen meines beruflichen werdegangs umfassende  Continue Reading »

Ready! Aim! Fire!: How To Execute Successfully Every Time (Part 1)

Written on February 4, 2015 at 8:04 pm, by

Ready!  Aim!  Fire! It’s a very old, tried and true adage.  This legendarily accepted process of operations works universally whether shooting a gun, a bow and arrow, playing golf, or leading a team to achieve an objective.  Prepare or ready yourself for the intended action; take aim on the objective and goals; and then fire,  Continue Reading »

How to Become a Great Leader

Written on February 4, 2015 at 6:30 pm, by

Be authentic. Figure out your values and who you are, and be true to both. Trying to be who you aren’t will impede your company and your career progress. Dare to follow a path unique to you. Take risks and be curious. Build specific skill sets and gain unique experiences each step along your career  Continue Reading »