7 Startups That Are Radically Altering the Apparel Industry

Startup Cooking: 5 Ways to Manage Like Joe Torre, Former New York Yankees Manager

5 Jedi Mind Tricks to Dramatically Improve Your Performance

FISHING WITH SPEARS: All About Account Based Marketing

The Gender Bias Question In Technology and the Tech Startup World

Finding The Best Executive Talent: Can Recruiters Really Help?

Monthly Archives: April 2015

7 Startups That Are Radically Altering the Apparel Industry

Written on April 29, 2015 at 6:50 pm, by

The apparel industry is dominated by huge chains and major labels, but startups are making a name of their own by offering unique products and filling a void. Want a pair of shoes with a pump in the sole that keeps your feet cool? Or a dress that is custom made to your exact measurements  Continue Reading »

Startup Cooking: 5 Ways to Manage Like Joe Torre, Former New York Yankees Manager

Written on April 24, 2015 at 6:25 pm, by

It’s baseball season again, so what better than a blog with a baseball theme? I ran across a piece a while back about how Joe Torre, the famous and very successful former New York Yankees manager, led his team. Many consider him a genius at managing and motivating – particularly difficult and notable in a  Continue Reading »

5 Jedi Mind Tricks to Dramatically Improve Your Performance

Written on April 23, 2015 at 6:40 pm, by

Andy Puddicombe spent 10 years studying to become an ordained Tibetan monk and is now the successful co-founder of the meditation app Headspace. In his TED talk, he says: “I think the present moment is so underrated. It sounds so ordinary, but we spend so little time in the present that it is anything but ordinary. Our mind  Continue Reading »

Fishing with Spears | All About Account Based Marketing

Written on April 16, 2015 at 1:12 pm, by

Account based marketing is the next big thing in B2B marketing. In this short but fact-filled talk, Jon Miller will explain how ABM is different from traditional demand generation, and will share best practices for understanding target accounts, orchestrating integrated account plans, and proving the impact of your ABM efforts. Event Link: cmoluncheon.splashthat.com Date: Thursday,  Continue Reading »

The Gender Bias Question In Technology and the Tech Startup World

Written on April 9, 2015 at 6:47 pm, by

I was asked to help address the tech/startup gender bias question a couple of times recently at SxSW in Austin. The first opportunity was as a panelist for a session covering fundraising for startups, as part of the Women in EdTech track during SxSWedu.  The second was as part of an impromptu panel at SxSW Interactive during  Continue Reading »

Finding The Best Executive Talent: Can Recruiters Really Help?

Written on April 1, 2015 at 8:37 pm, by

When it comes to hiring a key member of your executive team, hiring a recruiter can seem expensive initially. However, do not underestimate the value of having a professional recruiter who will cast the net wide to give you exposure to various types of executive candidates, to be responsible for moving the process forward efficiently,  Continue Reading »