Product Sync Event Recap

PUBLISHED BY Wildcat Venture Partners

July 7, 2016

Last week Wildcat Venture Partners co-hosted Product Sync, a meet-up for Silicon Valley’s top product managers, entrepreneurs, and VC’s.

Following up on our recent launch event where we introduced the Traction Gap, we were excited to share the framework with entrepreneurs and PM’s in our portfolio and broader ecosystem.

We co-hosted Product Sync with Nikunj Kothari (PM at Shyp, former PM at LinkedIn and Hall) and Nikhil Basu Trivedi (Principal at Shasta Ventures, former Artsy co-founder).

Over 50 attended, with a diverse representation of product management professionals from companies including Airbnb, Shyp, Uber, Alt School, Credit Karma, TaskRabbit, TripAdvisor, LinkedIn, DoorDash, and more.

Read Elizabeth Burstein’s full recap here.

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