Systems of Engagement and User Experience Design

July 22, 2015

PUBLISHED BY Geoffrey Moore


We are now well into the decade of Systems of Engagement. Enterprises in all walks of life are waking up to a world where their constituents are digitally armed and dangerous, and they are revamping their market-facing systems to leverage these newly empowered endpoints. The landscape of opportunity is immense as there are pockets of trapped value everywhere that digital interactions can release. Indeed, most CIOs find themselves surrounded by insurmountable opportunity, so the real questions are, where to start, or what to do next?

Here the key is to reframe our view of the landscape in terms of moments of engagement. You can think of these as tiny milestones in the customer journeys you are seeking to engineer. Which ones mark the key inflection points in those journeys? What are your moments of truth?

Read the full post here.

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